How many fishes do you see below?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 5

So for today’s last official blog post, I will relate to you all about what happened in school. ‘Aw, of all topics, why choose school again?’ Well, there’s nothing interesting that happened to me (again), except for the things in school. Therefore, here we go.

During the morning in Flag Raising Ceremony, we went as a class to sit in 2 rows and read our books as usual. When the prefect said ‘Good morning school’ and we stood up, I was unaffected for about 3-4 seconds. However, suddenly in my vision I saw green, red or blue spots and gradually became black. I was sweating profusely although it wasn’t hot, and my heart was beating as if I had just ran my 2.4. In a few seconds I couldn’t see anything although my eyes were wide open. You should recognise these symptoms by now: fainting. :l I had fainted once when I was a Secondary 1, and the doctor said that I didn’t have enough iron in my blood. As I lost consciousness, I also lost my balance. Therefore, I was semi-consciously stumbling back and forth as I tried to keep my balance and avoid crashing into the pupils behind/in front/beside me, while everyone else was still in sedia position. Luckily, I recovered without falling, my vision regained to normal, and I noticed that my classmates beside me were staring at me. I must have looked ridiculous by stumbling back and forth while they were standing still, so I acted as if nothing happened. :l

After FRC was Science. As Mr. Maran was going to bring us for the field trip to East Coast Park tomorrow and thus would take up some of the Science Lab period, our Science Lab periods were shifted today. We soaked 2 5cm x 1cm potato strips in each of the 4 containers which contained distilled water, 10%, 20% and 40% salt solutions. The strips in the 40% salt solutions became as soft as…well, cheese. The strips in the distilled water became very hard and inflexible.

As for the English period that came subsequently, we trooped to the Maths IT Lab, as Mr. Maran wanted to check that we had our 5 elements in our blogs. Apparently the door was locked, and we had to wait around 20 minutes before the door could be unlocked and we could go in. While Mr. Maran was checking our blogs, Matthew introduced to me this website: (Warning: This website contains many vulgarities.)

After English came Chinese, where we had Chinese spelling. Then our last three periods was Homec. We finally learnt how to combine those three pieces together with blanket stitches to make a 3D something (it is supposed to be the bear’s head, but it looks more like a irregular-shaped brown ball to me). My blanket stitches were a bit too large, and I had to redo. :( Oh well, at least I got a chance to improve it.

That reminds me, I have to finish up this blog post, and then I will have enough time to redo my bear’s head. As well as some other homework that I have to do. So here is my last official blog post. Don’t worry; this blog will still be active. If I can find time to continue writing in this blog, I will. A big thank-you to all those who have been following me through my blog. And now I can write another entry in whenever I want to as well. :D

Signing off,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 4

This blog post contains information from yesterday and today, as yesterday my computer got a virus, but my father deleted it. :)

So, yesterday after school, my mother fetched me home as I had Chinese tuition at home at 3pm. Right after my Chinese tuition (which ends at 4pm), I got my mum to fetch me from my house which is from Tampines all the way to Darren’s house which is at Serangoon for the OPW project. I know, how evil of me. :D We took a shortcut that my mum had never taken before, Braddell’s Road, and of course we got lost. To cut a long story short, we finally found a road that connected to Lorong Chuan, which was near Darren’s house, and finally we reached Darren’s condominium in around 20 minutes.

I went to Darren’s unit in the condominium, and Hong Fei was already there. We did a bit of researching our Eco Garden (which was pretty hard because there was insufficient pace for additions/modifications. Plus we didn’t have any ideas for modifications/additions anyway except for changing the colour of the benches and tables to match the colour of the pond). After we had done, we played the game that I introduced to Darren about 3 or 4 days ago… Powder Game. Only for about 10-15 minutes, mind you. Then, Darren’s mum asked me whether if I could join their dinner. I asked my mum for permission, and she replied yes, because we already used a lot of effort to get there. Hong Fei had to go soon, so he didn’t stay for long. The dinner was Udon noodles with miso soup, as well as fish fillets, cheese tofu, and a few pieces of Yong Tau Foo. After I had eaten my fill, we continued to play Powder game for about 10 minutes, and then I went by MRT all the way to Tampines. :l

So for today, we had Physical Education. Today the register numbers 1-20 short-putted, and I got a little over than 5 metres. :l Then we played soccer while the register numbers 21-41 went to do their short putting. During Math, we had a short Maths test, and then we went through our homework, which was Worksheet 4 in our Maths Workbook. The next lesson was Literature, where we continued to watch Macbeth. The last two periods were OPW, where we (again) researched for more ideas for improvements to our Eco Garden.

So, that concludes my very long blog post. It sorts of makes up for the short blog post previously. :D Four down, last one to go.

Signing off once again,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 3

I woke up today at 9.10 am in the morning to attend City Harvest Church at Expo which started at 10.00am. (Therefore, I wake up early in the morning 7 days a week – 5 schooldays, 1 scouts meeting, and 1 church day. Quite tiring :l) My mother fetched me, and when I got there, the sermon had already started. That shows how punctual I am. :D Anyway, when I got back home from church, I had to help out to carry things from my grandparents house to my house as my grandparents have sold their house, but could not move into their new house at the moment. Therefore, they are staying at my house temporarily. My family is also going to move house at the 15th of June. My mother commented that space was expensive, there was a lot of useless articles accumulated… etc. Just to let you know, my grandparents stay in the same condominium as us; therefore it was not much of a distance. Therefore, we wouldn’t have to use much effort to lug all those heavy items to my house. We also had to shift things such as our cupboards, clothes and even our double-decker bed to the other room as we had to make space for my grandparents’ other items. The key has to be handed over to the buyer by Wednesday, therefore the house has to be clear of all items by Tuesday, or we would be penalized a fee of more than $1000. :l

Sorry for the shortness of this post and that the topic is all about renovation, I have to do other homework afterwards (Chinese workbook as well as Maths workbook).

Signing off,Damian :D

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 2

Today was our usual Saturday Scouts meeting. This time, all the sec 1s who were posted to Scouts, or more like ‘forced’ to, attended the meeting. The number was approximately 20. Last week, 8 sec 1s who was present at the meeting were the ones who put ‘Scouts’ as their first or second choice. Therefore, around 12 sec 1s were ‘forced’ to join.

First up, we formed the horseshoe, did the usual flag raising, then changed our attire for PT. We did some warm-ups, mainly consisting of jumping jacks and stretching, as well as repeating the push-up section (because some of the other sec 2s just refused to do properly, therefore the whole squad had to do more. :l) Then we did the main PT: running around the school, as well as up and down stairs, including the entire length of stairs linking the first storey to the Parade Square. While we were doing PT, the sec 1s were all at the Parade Square, and all they had to do was just to walk across a bride that the sec 3s made using pioneering. Looks like there are advantages of being a sec 1 that we didn’t really appreciate. And when I say we, I mean all the rest of the sec 2s.

After PT, we got a water break, and then played a game that all the sec 1s supposedly wanted to play… catching. I mean, come on. When I was sec 1, we wanted to play soccer. But here was a new batch of sec 1s, wanting to play a game that usually only Primary 4s played. Apparently the world’s generations are getting weirder. After that game, we all played an icebreaker game – splitting the troop into two sides, holding out a sheet between the two sides, and then each side were supposed to send a representative out to sit behind a sheet, then when the sheet dropped we were supposed to call out the opposing side’s representative’s name. Quite boring if you ask me, compared to all the other exciting games that I have played before in Scouts.

Subsequently, some of us were re-tested some tests that they had not been tested yet, then the rest of us watched some of the sec 3s set up a 3-2-1 flagpole. When the sec 4s discovered that many of us did not know how to tie a Figure of 8 lash, they taught it to us. Those that already knew how to tie it slacked by making Monkey Fists (a ball at the end of the rope made from the latter) and tried to ‘capture’ the tree, like a particular Tin Yat. How mature.

Afterwards, the sec 4s tried to brush up on our foot drill skills and the new commands. For more information, check out Vincent’s Blog (I have it in my Links) 1st post, not including the ‘Starting Off’ post. Consequently, we again formed the horseshoe, did flag lowering, and the sec 2s and the sec 3s had to stay back. Why? Because we had to untie the ‘bridge’ that the sec 1s used for only about 5 minutes. :l

So that sums up today’s Scout meeting. Two down, three more to go.

Signing off,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Official Post for English Assignment 1

Okay, so here’s my official first post for the English Assignment Mr. Maran has given us. So, here goes.

First two periods in school today were Science. We mostly went through the science Theory book about Transport in Plants, and then got to know that the Science lab lesson was FINALLY to be resumed tomorrow. :D I prefer science lab lessons, it gives you hands-on experience compared to normal science lessons that may be a little dull. No offence Miss Nabilah, your lessons are great!

Next two periods were English. First off, Mr. Maran chatted with us about scuba diving, that it was best to scuba-dive off the southern isles of Singapore first as a beginner. As the waters are murky and it was almost impossible to see anything, it was good for training and after you scuba dive there, you could almost scuba dive anywhere in the world, based on that experience. Then, we watched around 20 minutes worth of a movie, Dirty Harry, which we were supposed to summarize when we got home. After that came around 15 minutes of correcting comprehension questions, then Mr. Maran broke the news to our class that he was considering to bring the entire class for a field trip to East Coast (nearby our school, about twice a stone’s throw away), I forgot when. Another great teacher. XD

After that period came recess, one of the most favourite periods of school, apart from Physical Education. Around ¼ of 2G went to the P.U.B (pull-up bars in the school compound near the gym) as usual, performed the usual tricks and chatted. Apparently the Indoor Sports Hall was used for Physical Education lessons; therefore the usual basketball players couldn’t play at the area.

Subsequently, it was MT (mother tongue) reading period. For our Higher Chinese class, we had spelling, and then it was Home Economics. Our last year’s Homec teacher had resigned, so our temporary Homec teacher was Ms Hashima. During those 3 periods, we sewed the heads of our bears as part of our project for the OYG 2010. Our homework was just to cut out from felt the other 17 pieces for the bear.

I apologize that this post was mostly about what I did in school, but there’s nothing much unusual that happened today, no problems, not much moments spent with my family, and nothing that I am doing alone right now. (Except for writing this post, that is.)

One down, four more to go.

Signing out,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Starting off~

This is my first post in my new blog! :D Finally managed to created a music playlist, you will be able to see more new tracks appear as time goes by... and soon I will be posting another post as part of my English Assignment. 5 more posts to go. Signing off~