How many fishes do you see below?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Official Post for English Assignment 1

Okay, so here’s my official first post for the English Assignment Mr. Maran has given us. So, here goes.

First two periods in school today were Science. We mostly went through the science Theory book about Transport in Plants, and then got to know that the Science lab lesson was FINALLY to be resumed tomorrow. :D I prefer science lab lessons, it gives you hands-on experience compared to normal science lessons that may be a little dull. No offence Miss Nabilah, your lessons are great!

Next two periods were English. First off, Mr. Maran chatted with us about scuba diving, that it was best to scuba-dive off the southern isles of Singapore first as a beginner. As the waters are murky and it was almost impossible to see anything, it was good for training and after you scuba dive there, you could almost scuba dive anywhere in the world, based on that experience. Then, we watched around 20 minutes worth of a movie, Dirty Harry, which we were supposed to summarize when we got home. After that came around 15 minutes of correcting comprehension questions, then Mr. Maran broke the news to our class that he was considering to bring the entire class for a field trip to East Coast (nearby our school, about twice a stone’s throw away), I forgot when. Another great teacher. XD

After that period came recess, one of the most favourite periods of school, apart from Physical Education. Around ¼ of 2G went to the P.U.B (pull-up bars in the school compound near the gym) as usual, performed the usual tricks and chatted. Apparently the Indoor Sports Hall was used for Physical Education lessons; therefore the usual basketball players couldn’t play at the area.

Subsequently, it was MT (mother tongue) reading period. For our Higher Chinese class, we had spelling, and then it was Home Economics. Our last year’s Homec teacher had resigned, so our temporary Homec teacher was Ms Hashima. During those 3 periods, we sewed the heads of our bears as part of our project for the OYG 2010. Our homework was just to cut out from felt the other 17 pieces for the bear.

I apologize that this post was mostly about what I did in school, but there’s nothing much unusual that happened today, no problems, not much moments spent with my family, and nothing that I am doing alone right now. (Except for writing this post, that is.)

One down, four more to go.

Signing out,

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