How many fishes do you see below?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 2

Today was our usual Saturday Scouts meeting. This time, all the sec 1s who were posted to Scouts, or more like ‘forced’ to, attended the meeting. The number was approximately 20. Last week, 8 sec 1s who was present at the meeting were the ones who put ‘Scouts’ as their first or second choice. Therefore, around 12 sec 1s were ‘forced’ to join.

First up, we formed the horseshoe, did the usual flag raising, then changed our attire for PT. We did some warm-ups, mainly consisting of jumping jacks and stretching, as well as repeating the push-up section (because some of the other sec 2s just refused to do properly, therefore the whole squad had to do more. :l) Then we did the main PT: running around the school, as well as up and down stairs, including the entire length of stairs linking the first storey to the Parade Square. While we were doing PT, the sec 1s were all at the Parade Square, and all they had to do was just to walk across a bride that the sec 3s made using pioneering. Looks like there are advantages of being a sec 1 that we didn’t really appreciate. And when I say we, I mean all the rest of the sec 2s.

After PT, we got a water break, and then played a game that all the sec 1s supposedly wanted to play… catching. I mean, come on. When I was sec 1, we wanted to play soccer. But here was a new batch of sec 1s, wanting to play a game that usually only Primary 4s played. Apparently the world’s generations are getting weirder. After that game, we all played an icebreaker game – splitting the troop into two sides, holding out a sheet between the two sides, and then each side were supposed to send a representative out to sit behind a sheet, then when the sheet dropped we were supposed to call out the opposing side’s representative’s name. Quite boring if you ask me, compared to all the other exciting games that I have played before in Scouts.

Subsequently, some of us were re-tested some tests that they had not been tested yet, then the rest of us watched some of the sec 3s set up a 3-2-1 flagpole. When the sec 4s discovered that many of us did not know how to tie a Figure of 8 lash, they taught it to us. Those that already knew how to tie it slacked by making Monkey Fists (a ball at the end of the rope made from the latter) and tried to ‘capture’ the tree, like a particular Tin Yat. How mature.

Afterwards, the sec 4s tried to brush up on our foot drill skills and the new commands. For more information, check out Vincent’s Blog (I have it in my Links) 1st post, not including the ‘Starting Off’ post. Consequently, we again formed the horseshoe, did flag lowering, and the sec 2s and the sec 3s had to stay back. Why? Because we had to untie the ‘bridge’ that the sec 1s used for only about 5 minutes. :l

So that sums up today’s Scout meeting. Two down, three more to go.

Signing off,

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