How many fishes do you see below?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 5

So for today’s last official blog post, I will relate to you all about what happened in school. ‘Aw, of all topics, why choose school again?’ Well, there’s nothing interesting that happened to me (again), except for the things in school. Therefore, here we go.

During the morning in Flag Raising Ceremony, we went as a class to sit in 2 rows and read our books as usual. When the prefect said ‘Good morning school’ and we stood up, I was unaffected for about 3-4 seconds. However, suddenly in my vision I saw green, red or blue spots and gradually became black. I was sweating profusely although it wasn’t hot, and my heart was beating as if I had just ran my 2.4. In a few seconds I couldn’t see anything although my eyes were wide open. You should recognise these symptoms by now: fainting. :l I had fainted once when I was a Secondary 1, and the doctor said that I didn’t have enough iron in my blood. As I lost consciousness, I also lost my balance. Therefore, I was semi-consciously stumbling back and forth as I tried to keep my balance and avoid crashing into the pupils behind/in front/beside me, while everyone else was still in sedia position. Luckily, I recovered without falling, my vision regained to normal, and I noticed that my classmates beside me were staring at me. I must have looked ridiculous by stumbling back and forth while they were standing still, so I acted as if nothing happened. :l

After FRC was Science. As Mr. Maran was going to bring us for the field trip to East Coast Park tomorrow and thus would take up some of the Science Lab period, our Science Lab periods were shifted today. We soaked 2 5cm x 1cm potato strips in each of the 4 containers which contained distilled water, 10%, 20% and 40% salt solutions. The strips in the 40% salt solutions became as soft as…well, cheese. The strips in the distilled water became very hard and inflexible.

As for the English period that came subsequently, we trooped to the Maths IT Lab, as Mr. Maran wanted to check that we had our 5 elements in our blogs. Apparently the door was locked, and we had to wait around 20 minutes before the door could be unlocked and we could go in. While Mr. Maran was checking our blogs, Matthew introduced to me this website: (Warning: This website contains many vulgarities.)

After English came Chinese, where we had Chinese spelling. Then our last three periods was Homec. We finally learnt how to combine those three pieces together with blanket stitches to make a 3D something (it is supposed to be the bear’s head, but it looks more like a irregular-shaped brown ball to me). My blanket stitches were a bit too large, and I had to redo. :( Oh well, at least I got a chance to improve it.

That reminds me, I have to finish up this blog post, and then I will have enough time to redo my bear’s head. As well as some other homework that I have to do. So here is my last official blog post. Don’t worry; this blog will still be active. If I can find time to continue writing in this blog, I will. A big thank-you to all those who have been following me through my blog. And now I can write another entry in whenever I want to as well. :D

Signing off,

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