How many fishes do you see below?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 3

I woke up today at 9.10 am in the morning to attend City Harvest Church at Expo which started at 10.00am. (Therefore, I wake up early in the morning 7 days a week – 5 schooldays, 1 scouts meeting, and 1 church day. Quite tiring :l) My mother fetched me, and when I got there, the sermon had already started. That shows how punctual I am. :D Anyway, when I got back home from church, I had to help out to carry things from my grandparents house to my house as my grandparents have sold their house, but could not move into their new house at the moment. Therefore, they are staying at my house temporarily. My family is also going to move house at the 15th of June. My mother commented that space was expensive, there was a lot of useless articles accumulated… etc. Just to let you know, my grandparents stay in the same condominium as us; therefore it was not much of a distance. Therefore, we wouldn’t have to use much effort to lug all those heavy items to my house. We also had to shift things such as our cupboards, clothes and even our double-decker bed to the other room as we had to make space for my grandparents’ other items. The key has to be handed over to the buyer by Wednesday, therefore the house has to be clear of all items by Tuesday, or we would be penalized a fee of more than $1000. :l

Sorry for the shortness of this post and that the topic is all about renovation, I have to do other homework afterwards (Chinese workbook as well as Maths workbook).

Signing off,Damian :D

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