How many fishes do you see below?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Official Blog Post Number 4

This blog post contains information from yesterday and today, as yesterday my computer got a virus, but my father deleted it. :)

So, yesterday after school, my mother fetched me home as I had Chinese tuition at home at 3pm. Right after my Chinese tuition (which ends at 4pm), I got my mum to fetch me from my house which is from Tampines all the way to Darren’s house which is at Serangoon for the OPW project. I know, how evil of me. :D We took a shortcut that my mum had never taken before, Braddell’s Road, and of course we got lost. To cut a long story short, we finally found a road that connected to Lorong Chuan, which was near Darren’s house, and finally we reached Darren’s condominium in around 20 minutes.

I went to Darren’s unit in the condominium, and Hong Fei was already there. We did a bit of researching our Eco Garden (which was pretty hard because there was insufficient pace for additions/modifications. Plus we didn’t have any ideas for modifications/additions anyway except for changing the colour of the benches and tables to match the colour of the pond). After we had done, we played the game that I introduced to Darren about 3 or 4 days ago… Powder Game. Only for about 10-15 minutes, mind you. Then, Darren’s mum asked me whether if I could join their dinner. I asked my mum for permission, and she replied yes, because we already used a lot of effort to get there. Hong Fei had to go soon, so he didn’t stay for long. The dinner was Udon noodles with miso soup, as well as fish fillets, cheese tofu, and a few pieces of Yong Tau Foo. After I had eaten my fill, we continued to play Powder game for about 10 minutes, and then I went by MRT all the way to Tampines. :l

So for today, we had Physical Education. Today the register numbers 1-20 short-putted, and I got a little over than 5 metres. :l Then we played soccer while the register numbers 21-41 went to do their short putting. During Math, we had a short Maths test, and then we went through our homework, which was Worksheet 4 in our Maths Workbook. The next lesson was Literature, where we continued to watch Macbeth. The last two periods were OPW, where we (again) researched for more ideas for improvements to our Eco Garden.

So, that concludes my very long blog post. It sorts of makes up for the short blog post previously. :D Four down, last one to go.

Signing off once again,

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